This week in class we discussed about Family Crisis. And event and/or events that can come unexpectedly to overwhelm the family. Some common stressors events can include a death in the family, serious illness, accidents, loss of work, moving to a new place, alcohol abuse infidelity, unwanted pregnancy, etc. People react to crisis in different ways. We cannot control the events that occur in our lives, but we can control the way we respond to them. Another thing to have in mind when going through a crisis or stressor event is that coping isn’t just getting by, it’s much more than that. The decisions you make during the stressor can make up all the difference. Just recently, I have had a couple of stressors where my older sister who lives in another country, had her third beautiful child and everything was going great until the baby got the cold that was going around the home. For new born babies, it is dangerous for them to get a cold because they still have much control o...