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Showing posts from November 4, 2018


This week we talked about the importance of intimacy in the marriage and teaching intimacy to our children. Media has portrayed intimacy as something women and men have the same sexual desire. Which is not entirely true. Women and Men have different experiences when it comes to sexual intimacy and when these differences are not understood, there can be misunderstandings within the marriage. It can cause men to think that their wife doesn’t desire them and women may think that something is wrong with them because they don’t desire their husbands as much. So, it is said to be men are like microwaves and women are like crockpots. It takes a while for women to have a response to sex. In the book “And they were not ashamed: Strengthening Marriage through sexual fulfillment and knowing her Intimately. 12 Keys for creating a sextroardinary marriage” By Laura Brotherson. Brotherson states that women are 4 steps away from sexual desire compared to men. For women there is a proce...