Going back to last week’s posts, we talked a little bit about the family system and how everyone is raise in a different way whether that person lived in the same area or race, all household families have their own set of rules and reactions to certain things or events. We also talked about how this family systems theory can explain how everyone is different in their own unique way. Likewise, we are all social creatures. We are born within a family and society that has its own set of values, beliefs, ways of thinking and material value. Whether it is the same race or same area living, we all have different cultures. By definition, according to Webster dictionary, the term culture means “the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group” or in other words the set of values that a certain group can have. In this context, my culture has shaped me in my own ways. Coming from a Mexican family, Latter day Saint faith, and California reside...